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Scarlett Johansson to play a trans role as the ghost of Hollywood stays firmly in its shell

Scarlett Johansson has come under fire for her response to the news that she is to play a transgender man in upcoming film ‘Rub and Tug’, based on the 70s trans crime boss Dante ‘Tex’ Gill, directed by Rupert Sanders. Curious, as she is probably one of the most feminine females in Hollywood to be chosen to play the role, yet sadly still pipped actual transgender actresses to the post. Curious also as it is another blow to the idea of roles being offered to a diverse range of actresses. Her previous film with the same director, Sanders, also came under controversy as it showed Johansson playing a Japanese woman, based on a manga of the same name. The production people seemed it was ok just to ask Johansson to bob and die her hair black and voila! – Blonde Hollywood lady becomes Japanese!

In the wake of Weinstein, and the Me Too movement, one could be forgiven for thinking that Hollywood had learned something, had redeemed itself after the many admonishments, and learned new ways of doing trans (ahem, this time meaning transactions) but sadly not to be. One would have thought Hollywood would be on its best behaviour to be more inclusive; now that it had heard women’s voices more clearly and that gender equality was finally coming into play, that it might thoroughly welcome and celebrate diversity. But here is it not to be. The director’s choice to cast Johansson could say more about the cosiness and nepotism of their relationship, or maybe as a clever publicity stunt (hey, we are talking about it now, aren’t we?) or maybe to feature the film firmly in people’s minds before release as Ghost in the Shell didn’t do as well in cinemas. Recently, we had a few weak attempts at change – the tokenism of the recent Ghostbusters movies, a collective patting of the back for Hollywood. Aren’t we marvellous, we managed to cast all women! Hurrah for Hollywood!! (Now roll up a few burly agents, get the Champagne and the pretty women and we celebrate!!!)J

Johansson’s response from the storm she received from other trans actresses was ‘Tell them that they can be directed to Jeffrey Tambor, Jared Leto, and Felicity Huffman’s rep for comment’, naming other actors who played transgender roles. Apparently, no further comment has been made by Johansson’s press or agents. They are ghosts in shells on the issue. One thing is for sure, Hollywood came out of its little Neanderthal man cave for a short while to enjoy the view on a new society, one that was more open, more willing to question the old winks and ways of doing business. But it seems Hollywood took one look around at the new tools of change and went back inside.

About the author

Fionnaigh O'Connor

Fionnaigh O'Connor is a Galway girl living in Dublin who works in adult literacy. She has been involved in many publications on teaching. Writes about most topics, always with a humorous edge. Passionate about puns and collects malaprops in her spare time.

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