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Niall Horan speak’s about going solo and when One Direction will be back

Niall Horan’s just revealed he’s been up to all sorts since the One Direction hiatus that set fans all over the world into a total frenzy.

Niall appeared on ‘The Graham Norton Show’ and spoke about what he’s been up to behind the scenes since the 1D split. Firstly, he spoke about his experiances backpacking.. on a budget, as if he needed to right?

“I went backpacking around the world with my two cousins, I wanted to do it properly so we did it on a budget. All of my friends got to do it when I was traveling the world in a different way, so I thought it’s only fair that I get to do it, too.”

The star also spoke of how he’s been focusing on some solo music, with his travelling having inspired new sounds,

“When I got back from Asia I just started doing acoustic stuff—the stuff I grew up on—and thought, ‘Maybe I should release them. They’re actually not that bad.'”

Niall has recently released his new track ‘This Town’, which he speaks about his home roots, being the small town in which he grew up, Mullingar. Although the song also hints about the band’s breakup, fan’s clearly couldn’t get enough with the track debuting at no.1 in the charts!

“I am 100 percent relieved that people like it, I’ve been sitting on it for so long and keeping it a secret. It was a nerve-wracking time. It’s always been a daunting prospect but the reaction has been insane.”

Although the band are currently on hiatus, rest assured, it wont be forever! Niall told Norton that the band’s just going separate way’s for now, the split’s not permanent!

“For now we are doing our own thing, We can’t put a date on it but it won’t be in fifty years time. It’s in the foreseeable future. We’ve talked about it but for now we’ll just play by ear and see what happens.”


Check out Niall’s new track ‘This Town’ below.

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