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Ireland’s Icy Weather: The Story in Tweets!

It’s been called The Beast from the East, Snowmaggedon, Storm Emma and Ireland’s worst snow storm since 1982.

At first, people seemed a bit unsure of the weather warnings which isn’t surprising considering the amount of hype that went into Storm Ophelia back in October 2017 and it just ended up being a bit of a breeze.

Sure look, we all got a day off work so it was grand in the end but when the weather reporters started warning us all about this one, it’s natural that people were a little bit doubtful!

But then, of course, the panic sets in and people all over the country started going crazy for one specific food item. Bread.

For some reason, the people of Ireland decided that if they were going to be stuck in their homes for about 24hrs, then they’d better stock up on the sliced pan.

Videos were showing customers ransacking the shops, buying three or four loaves at a time for only one day!

The storm is due to be over the worst by tomorrow but we are a nation of over-dramatic messers so naturally, the panic for bread went viral.

Now, The Beast From The East has officially begun, most of the country is in a blanket of snow, businesses are closed and we all get the few days off work which is a nice touch so we can all thank Siberia for that.

But the Irish people do love to have a laugh so even in the worst of the storm, the hilarious weather tweets keep rolling in.

If there’s anything to be learnt from this it’s that we should always have at least 40 loaves of bread in the freezer just in case and twitter is the clearly the place to be in the event of extreme weather!

About the author

Lizzie Lynch

Lizzie is a gaming and music enthusiast with a YouTube gaming channel called Peachy Steel.
She plays all types of games like action and adventure, RPG and strategy.
In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, zumba, playing ukulele and trying to befriend her irritable pet hedgehog, Peeves.

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