The tumbler glass of a Latte which I’d expected to get at least a half hour out of was very empty. The Silence that surrounded us had sidled its way in the...
Author - Christopher O'Riordan
Christopher O’Riordan is your typical Corkonian (Whatever that is) who loves to write fiction, poetry, and occasionally dabble in journalism. He enjoys looking at ideas/problems/events from different corners of this big room that we all reside in. Oh, and he’s a big Harry Potter fan.
Black 47 takes the audience back to one of the most horrendous eras in Irish History. A period that would have a significant impact on Ireland’s future as well...
Oh, the glittery glam, the fabulous fame, the mountainous money, makes stardom so sexy; doesn’t it? Celebrity status is dreadfully alluring; isn’t it? A...
Twenty years ago, my mother was killed in a car crash. A Ford Fiesta smashed like a coke can. The driver of the other car was drink-driving. I was ten when I...